(Visually closest to my own X-Ray)
It was a hacking raspy cough that attracted my GP's attention during a visit
and ordered an immediate Chest X-Ray.
I had deliberately -and very unwisely- tried to stifle and hide that cough
for near two years during my HRT prescription visits
not thinking it was anything too serious and wanted to avoid
a round of around the mill tests that would end up showing nothing
as it had always been the case with any tests i had ever done
but this time i was caught and it was just one unguarded little cough
that elicited a surprised exclamation of "WOW! .... what was THAT! ..."
.......... . /. ..........
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The Chest X-Ray displayed an old granuloma and Extensive Bronchiectasis...
This was followed with an Urgent appointment at the Outpatients Specialist Clinic
at the Local Hospital where more X-Rays and Sputum sample tests were done.
When the Sputum sample returned indicating active TB Mycobacteria,
i was ordered to pack up and present at the Local Hospital ASAP
where i was placed in the Isolation Ward for 5 days until the Mycobacteria
was identified as non contagious and was free to return home
after i was given "The Good news ... and the Bad news"
together with a bagful of a Lethal cocktail of Antibiotics.
"The Good news, i was told, was that it is Not Contagious.
The Bad news was, it is Harder to treat and takes Longer..."
None of this meant much in my fogged up antibiotic loaded head at the time.
All i wanted, was to get out of there and Breath Fresh Air again and Go Home!...
I was referred back in to the care of the Outpatients Specialist Clinic
where the then Lung Specialist gave me more details
after many confusing, puzzling questions:
* Atypical TB -Mac Avium Complex - MAC
* Harder to treat - More Resistant
* Long Term Antibiotic Treatment ( 12 - 18 month)
* Two to Five year Life expectancy (if treatment did not work )
*AIDS Test - returned Negative.
Atypical TB -Mac Avium Complex - MAC

* * *
"Nontuberculous mycobacteria are not transmitted from person-to-person; they are ubiquitous in the environment and are typically transmitted through aerosolized water droplets. There are a number of species, but the most common infectious agent is mycobacterium avium complex (MAC), which is a combination of mycobacterium avium and mycobacterium intercellularae. The two species present the same clinical manifestation and can only be differentiated by DNA analysis."
For more info
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Next Entry: Antibiotics-Tests and Side Effects
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