After the Test Results and the Official Diagnosis of A–TB (MAC)
and information and questions that could be answered by the Specialist
it was time for my own frantic in-depth research
for as many as possible areas related to the illness.
Medical Research
Medical Research
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Medical Research
I researched about
* The Antibiotics and the array of their Side effects
* Percentage of Success or Failure and Survival
* The Illness A-TB (MAC) and how much was known
* Research areas done at present (then) time
* Treatments and Options (available then)
* Lung Transplant
General Related Health Information
* Possible causes of Irritation to the Lung
* Possible Beneficial Tips
* Physiotherapy, Breathing Exercises etc
* Helpful Diet and Supplements
Self Help /Observations
* Diary of what made me feel good or bad from past repeated occurrences
and current ongoing observations
* Alertness and watchfulness of any significant signs or changes
* Areas needing changes and adjustments to the current condition
that could affect Improvement
As I mentioned previously in the * Living with TB-meant-Radical Changes * Entry
Taking up Swimming was the very first change introduced, as soon as i knew
there was a serious problem and before the exact type of illness was discovered.
This gave me a head start during the ‘waiting to see a specialist’ time
This gave me a head start during the ‘waiting to see a specialist’ time
into inflating the collapsed lungs and getting them to breathe again
under the difficult environment of the water discipline
and by the time MAC was diagnosed, it was a matter of perseverance and daily practice.
Immediately after MAC diagnosis and the commencement of Antibiotics
serious changes of Diet was the next step and a constantly and throughout evolving
to suit and produce the best and most beneficial results. (Details in upcoming Entry)
Other Major or Minor changes i implemented (also evolving and adjusted with time)
Avoiding Totally or as Often as can be Possible
* Smoking areas
(and sending outside the occasional smoking visitor)
* Enclosed Places where Cold, Germs or Flu Viruses may be present
such as Cinemas, Restaurants, Libraries, Enclosed Shopping Centers,
Doctors Surgeries, Pharmacies etc
* Air-Conditioned Places (Much as above)
* Avoiding Contact with people if Sick with Cold or Flu
until they have recovered
* Minimizing Handling and Close Contact with Pets
Not a favourite restriction
but eventually it developed into a necessary one
They can be enjoyed in proximity
* Allergenic or Inflammatory foods
* Eating or Drinking Cold Foods or Beverages
even if this is the traditional way people consume them.
MAC in the Lung cannot cater for traditional ways, which are normally based
on taste maximising taste rather than digestion
and are generally not the best ways as far as health in general is considered.
Establishing Beneficial Routines and Habits
such as
* Going to Bed Early and allowing plenty of Rest
* Going to Bed Early and allowing plenty of Rest
* Adjusting Sleep Position
* Allowing as much Fresh Air as Possible in the House
and Especially so in the Bedroom during sleep time.
Opened doors and windows all day to air well and closed at night
but leaving some small opening either in window or door
* Developing a sense of Alertness to the Body’s
and Especially the Lung’s Needs and Responses – and be prepared to Adjust
If something feels good and soothing it probably is
If something makes the Lung choke and cough or bleed it definitely is not
in some instances even if the purpose is meant to be beneficial.
For example, drinking something Cold that irritates the Lung and causes a coughing fit
is not the same as the Lung coughing when trying to get rid of accumulated mucous,
dust or allergenic irritant. Its language and action is the same but the cause
in the first case is provoked and not beneficial, while in the second
the lung is doing its job.
in the first case is provoked and not beneficial, while in the second
the lung is doing its job.
Incidentally, although there is nothing gentle about clearing mucous,
there are much better and more gentle ways of achieving it than irritating
and punishing the lung - with which i will deal in upcoming entries.
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*Atypical TB–MyStory*
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