(Aug 12)
Expectorating / Clearing the Lung

Expectorating/Clearing the Lung at
Least Once a Day
is one of the most Important routines for Insuring:
* Better Lung Care and Health
* Easier Breathing
* Less chance of secondary Respiratory Infections
* Easier Talking without Chocking
* Quiet uninterrupted Eating
* Laughing without coughing and chocking
* Lighter chest during Sleep
* Less ‘mucousy’ odour from within
* Less going accidentally down the stomach
* Better, easier Exercise
* A generally Lighter feeling
.......... . /. ..........
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In order to achieve a Successful clearing,
less painfully bothersome and annoying
but most importantly
-let us not be selfish thinking only about ourselves-
Easier and Less Brutal to the Lung
there are three basic Elements required
already mentioned and detailed in the relevant Entries
“Inflating the Lung”
“Hydrating the Lung”
“Relaxing the Lung”
*By Inflating the Lung, it easier fot the mucous to be dislodged
*By Hydrating the Lung, the mucous also is thinner more runny
*By Relaxing the Lung it is easier to Finally expectorate without too
much effort
The final step is to choose one or a combination of suitable method/s
each time
that are efficient, yet gentle enough for both lungs as well as
personal comfort.
Methods I have been
1- TENS Massager
Applying the Pads on the Back in the Corresponding area of the lungs
doing 10-15 min sessions at each position, starting from just below
the shoulders then placing them a little farther down to the level
But NOT ON the heart area
-then down just above the Kidneys.
Apart from the Relaxation effect, loosening up tight muscles in these
including the lungs themselves, the vibration causes the mucous to
and be ready to be cleared.

(More details about the Massager below, at the end of this page)
2- Lying down and Tapping Chest
If the Lung is well Hydrated
and Inflated Lying down will cause
rash of mucous upwards –as i can testify from my good old times of swimming.
Nowadays, without the swim, the Inflating part is not as good
and only the Hydrating part is efficiently achieved through Diet
therefore, although lying down will still cause it to come up
i have to apply a bit of gently tapping on my chest with my hands
as shown in one Physiotherapy lesson i had at the beginning of this
This expectorating method, often the process starting on its own by the
is not one of the gentler, as it eventually causes a lot of coughing
and aggravation of the throat canal.
Therefore i usually drink a glass of hot water prior to starting this
to help the chest / throat area relax and after the clearing seems
i have some more hot water to help it all calm down.
3- Bath Time
This is my most Favourite just second to the massager in effectiveness
as it is also the gentlest and most relaxed one of them All!
Immersing the body in comfortably hot water,
brings a sense of total surrender in every part of the body, ailing or
I sit near upright for a few moments to allow the adjusting effect
and then i lay back, lowering the chest under water and immediately
the clearing process begins!... it all comes up as willingly as can be
and there is minimal coughing, more like clearing of the throat action
but it would be incorrect to claim that it is totally peaceful and
a) because this devil of inconvenience is a price to be paid to some
each single time, no matter what the method, and
b) because once it starts, the rest
follows and all the muscles and areas
involved, like lung, throat as well as ...person participating in
all try almost voluntarily to clear and get rid of what does not belong
After that there are many hours of evening peace...
an enjoyable quiet meal, a small conversation ...
even a bit of spontaneous laughter –as i am prone to it- without any
coughing / chocking incident.
There is nothing more to add to this... It is:
Simply as Gentle as Can Be,
Relaxed as Can Be, Effective as Can Be
Just as Perfect
as Can Be!

4- Natural Herbs
Back until the Malassezia Yeast outbreak and before i knew what this
devil was
i was taking some herbal supplements, such as Valerian, St John’s Wart
in capsule form in reasonable mg strength rather unrelated to the Lung
Six months after the Termination of Antibiotics, this demon had nothing
to supress it anymore –as paradoxically the problem started with the
commencement of antibiotics but also somehow they suppressed it as
it came to the surface, initially appearing or noticed in my hair,
and at the time thought it to be head lice, then went down my body
so thought it might be lice, then scabies, perhaps worms,
-a long story before it was finally identified as Malassezia Yeast
So i bought different worm killing herbs such as Wormwood, Wintania,
Bloodroot, and some other ones i do not remember their names.
When none of them made any difference i did not buy anymore
but was left with two that during their use i discovered some definite
unexpectedly positive effects on my Lung:
Withania and
* Both had a Strong
Expectorant Effect within approximately half hour
of ingestion. Not harsh or harmful at all in
fact very helpful and beneficial.
* Bloodroot Stopped Bleeding
and i believe –and felt- it effected
some healing in the affected bleeding
area but hard to confirm
other than the experience and the result.
Withania additionally
proved to be an excellent Mood Lifter
at a time when
spirits were at my lowest and most desperate –not because of the A-TB
but the relentless, unbearable daily torture of Malassezia Yeast
that made my life feel worthless and the Death i was fighting to avoid
for a full decade to become my most fervent wish...
Bloodroot i had known in the
salve form which we used to repeatedly
to cure my man’s skin cancers, so the fact that it is declared toxic
and the strong feeling of sickness for a couple of hours after
neither deterred me nor frightened me.
It is supposed to attack sick or dead cells and destroy them
but leave intact and unharmed healthy ones.
I know also from personal external use that it stimulates the body's
natural interferons, but external use is also excruciatingly painful
and if used in some areas can leave scars -but not ot my experience.
I can verify this as i have witnessed it repeatedly its miraculous healing
action in skin cancer applications and i believe it has a similar effect
working internally i.e sick cells attacked by TB.
It is supposed to attack sick or dead cells and destroy them
but leave intact and unharmed healthy ones.
I know also from personal external use that it stimulates the body's
natural interferons, but external use is also excruciatingly painful
and if used in some areas can leave scars -but not ot my experience.
I can verify this as i have witnessed it repeatedly its miraculous healing
action in skin cancer applications and i believe it has a similar effect
working internally i.e sick cells attacked by TB.
Both have a strongly unpalatable taste and or after taste
that makes determination to
continue very hard but the good results
make it worth the effort.
I am still On and Off both of them
taking in them in powder form - filling 1 gelatine capsule per Day
for a period of time then take a break
1) to give my liver a break in case there is some toxicity it has to
deal with
2) to give myself a break from the after taste and especially the
strong feeling of sickness
that if i did not know could have frightened me
3) to make it more effective when needed and receive the full benefit
when extra
help is needed.
4) though i have a strong belief that if i took Bloodroot continually
it could
heal my lungs, unfortunately i have found that as soon it enters
the blood –which happens very
quickly!- it affects a very strong reaction
to the Malassezia Yeast that drives me crazy.
if it is a fact that it may have a toxic effect on the liver
( ha!...
ha!...ha!....could it possibly be any worse than the antibiotics??? )
then it can have a cumulative effect and giving
it a break is a wise idea.
5- Physiotherapy positions
Back in the beginning of the story, when first diagnosed with TB–MAC
i was booked for one Physiotherapy tuition rather than actual treatment
and was given a print out of sketches with instructions of different
on how to clear the lung. I was
not very impressed, tried a couple and mainly
–but not necessarily correctly–
thought it all a joke, so i put the paper in my
health files and never opened it again, confident that i could do
better on
my own techniques ... which i had not developed or had any idea about
In the end, as always is the case, i proved once more i was my best
and have not done half less than the official – hate me for this cockiness
if you may and if judged as such but this has been both my pride
and bitter disappointment of the helplessness of medicine and it having
a long record of letting me down...
I laughed when i
saw this and it quite true

Having said that, despite the fact i personally feel dismally let
i highly respect many advanced areas of medicine, that at least
and without any doubt do help many people save and /or improve their
And give some good credit to my Three Lung Specialists that respected
my wishes and were helpful throughout the long years of treatment
and as for the first one, lets say ... i was a rather difficult patient.
And give some good credit to my Three Lung Specialists that respected
my wishes and were helpful throughout the long years of treatment
and as for the first one, lets say ... i was a rather difficult patient.
* * *
Notes about the TENS Machine:
I have used three different brands and types throughout the decade,
and extensively and found them a very useful tool for many areas of my
ailing body.
Out of those three types the one pictured above has been of exceptional
quality and effectiveness, and if /when i have to replace it i will buy
the same
again- the current one is the second one of this brand.
They last for a long time and do very good work, one drawback
for heavy use is that the battery lasts for approximately three weeks
or more
but as it drains the effect weakens.
Out of the two other models one –which was my first purchase
was as near as good but with slower battery /Volts output
and consequently less strength, the third one a near complete
I went for price and the fact that that it had electricity connectivity
which was
useful and could solve the battery problem but very weak in output and
programming of cycles, some very annoying rather than relaxing also the
really cheap and easily wearing out fast.
The good ones –of the same brand i bought on eBay and the cost is
high but worth it, the first one that was near as good was an omron
and i cannot remember if online purchase or chemists also high price
comparatively to the better one.
The third with electricity connectivity was also an eBay purchase and
price but not worth the saving in the end.
Next Entry: Atypical TB: And Minimising Bleeding
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