(Aug 12)
the Lung

The Initial X-Ray indicated two Collapsed lungs
widespread, extensive Bronchiectasis
and a heavily A-TB (MAC) occupied area
the latter diagnosed after the Sputum Test.
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Consequently the very first problem i had to deal with
-before the MAC diagnosis which came some months later-
was Inflating the Lung, so i
started swimming immediately,
initially from near drowning to eventually progressing to mastering all
and this was definitely a perfect and lasting decision for that
I believe there are mechanical devices for Inflating the Lung
but i have not researched any of them.
To be totally honest it is only because the idea scares me frozen!
I did once have a quick look at home Oxygen machines
and i got so depressed that i made a deep pact with myself
that i would die before i was faced with that necessity.
I hope my ...deep self...remembers this pact!...
So here i will deal with what i know of and know it is being the best
keeping that undesirable necessity as far as could possibly be.
The Best and Most
Efficient way i know of, of Inflating the Lung
is Undeniably Swimming! –as
i have mentioned in
It is the Deepest, most Systematic and most Effective Exercise
for the Lung
-including heart, circulation, muscles and even bones
if done properly, frequently and in long enough sessions –i.e. One hour
Preferable in a Pool as it allows consistency, the sea waves would

By the way, Slow and Steady – Non Stop, is much preferable
for inflating and oxygenating the Lung and Blood,
to going for greater speed, despite the thrill and the temptation.
I Loved It!... I felt My Mermaid coming Alive every single time in the

For the Past near Twelve Years!...
It Did me the world of Good, kept my Lung in the Best Breathing
it Kept me Alive as well as greatly Facilitating effective Clearing of
Unfortunately, as the thermostatic adjustment control of my body
affected by the use of long term antibiotics, possibly also due to some
deterioration of the lung, it turned increasingly unable to adjust to
the pool’s
26.8 C, which is 8-10 degrees lower than the body’s normal temperature
causing me a quick drop to hypothermia with severe shaking, trembling,
shivering uncontrollably, turning blue, followed by sudden bursts of
Public Pools, locally are not allowed to have higher range
-such as 35C my body came to require- due to health safety regulations
so eventually i had to give it up because experiencing each time
such severe symptoms and bleeding daily, was undoing or counteracting
any major benefits i was
I feel very sad because i miss it terribly and the good Alive feeling
it gave me
and i know it will mean three to five years earlier death
than if i had been able to continue but ... that’s life...
I had to think my choices after that, as to how i could best replace,
what i believe through personal experience, a rather irreplaceable
I started Walking daily, initially doing 1K and progressively increasing
to 3K
and later on we decided to buy a Treadmill. 
As seen above
Walk versus
Treadmill: Each working
In the water the body loses its weight and the muscle effort is more
Outside of the water, we have the full gravity making it all more
A nice walk or stroll is an enjoyable experience especially walking by
the Sea
but if the lungs are to be involved the walk must be faster and with
steady pace, and preferably going upwards if possible.
Hard work, ALL Done entirely by the Body, as the ground is steady!...
I hate it ... and i get short of breath and do not feel any benefit
even if there is some, so i only build it to a speed maximum
for me and my lung - - - and
that is that!... Totally inadequate!
...i Know!...
The Treadmill on the other hand, is a bit boring, and i had trouble
feeling steady and comfortable, but it helps with some of the work,
i.e. the ground moves underneath and speed and incline are adjustable
and steady, something harder to achieve on the pavement,
helping to build a steady rhythm that the Lung quickly adapts to
and from this point, deeper breathing is establish and some benefit
delivered in that area since the purpose is to inflate it,
and to achieve this, steady, deep, breathing for a period of time is required.
I have found with Walk, that even if i start well and fast
...relatively speaking!
i end up puffed up - with speed and performance declining
and at the end i feel rather tired.
and at the end i feel rather tired.
On the contrary, with the Treadmill i start slow, it feels hard but
once i start establishing a pace and a breathing rhythm i easily
into increasing both speed and incline and at the end of the exercise
i feel better and not tired.
I have also noticed that adjusting to higher incline with
moderate speed
is more comfortable and more efficient in regards to breathing.
Too fast and the breaths become shorter, too flat and there is very little
lung involvement.
We also have a Cross Trainer but unfortunately, even though this can
the closest to swim in dry land, it requires more strength from me than
i have
to make it work. It worked well a couple of years back when my muscles
were still strong from the swimming but not anymore.
Whenever i have tried in recent months –since i am not one to give up
i find it builds some heavy pressure in the heart area
followed by a feeling of suffocation, as if my lungs are closing rather than opening,
so now my man is the one getting the benefits of this terrific machine!
so now my man is the one getting the benefits of this terrific machine!

When i go for a walk there is another part to the exercise that each time
i feel it will be my last! Lol!...
as it leaves me absolutely breathless...
Returning home i have to go up 61 steps
from the Beach to the Road
and before i have hardly recovered my breath and my crazy beating heart
i have to go up another 50
to get to our apartment level, totalling
101 steps!
Of course this a deliberate choice, since i could elect to go up the
and then get in the elevator, but i am a conscientious girl that sees
the need
for the benefiting challenge, even though i tremendously loath the idea
as well as the practice of dry–on land exercise, especially Running,
which is totally out of the question for me.
Ironically, by necessity i am being deprived from the only exercise
that gives me immense pleasure, totally invigorates me all over
and especially my Lung that needs this more than any other part of my body!
that gives me immense pleasure, totally invigorates me all over
and especially my Lung that needs this more than any other part of my body!
Because ...NOTHING else including the above can come anywhere near
the effectiveness of a good Swim as far as i am concerned!...
At this point there is something i Must Clarify:
My Comments above, regarding the Different Forms of Exercise
are sharing my own experiences, from my own angle,
based on my own Ability, Condition, Mentality and Temperament
and are not meant to discredit any form of exercise or
any medium used
or to discourage anyone from practicing them.
There are people who cannot or do not know how to Swim
but are terrific Runners, or use expertly and very effectively these
and are undoubtedly, deriving great benefits!
My Belief and Rule is: ‘Something is Better than Nothing!’
In the end, It is All A matter of Necessity, Urgency of
And the Individual’s Personal Choice,
Ability, Natural Inclination
And Degree of Determination to Fight for One’s Life and Survival!
* * *
Next Entry Click : * Atypical TB (Mac): Hydrating the Lung *
See Also: Atypical TB: Natural Alternative to Oxygen
See Also: Atypical TB: Natural Alternative to Oxygen
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for *Atypical TB–My Story*
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