Detoxifying Liver And Kidneys

The Liver and pair of Kidneys are the two main Organs
that shoulder the greater impact of Antibiotic Toxicity.
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Antibiotic Toxicity affecting Liver and Kidneys
in many cases can kill well before TB actually does....
The mandatory, frequent, Blood testing and monitoring of the effect
confirms the seriousness of this matter.
Therefore these two Organs are as in great need of Care and Help
as are the Lungs themselves!
Additionally the kidneys are burdened with the processing of mucous
and blood gone down instead of upwards and discarded.
I know raw blood at
least gives my kidneys a hard time and they usually hurt.
There are some helpful ways to aid the Detoxification Process
the Liver and Kidneys work heavily to achieve both for the entire body
as well as the poisonous effect upon them and the efficiency of their
multiple functions.
Once more, the Main and Best Way is the Natural One as it is the one
closest to their work and functions – and this is through DIET!....
The Burden of having to process foods that do more harm than good
–which may not be significant during times of strong health
but add to the stress and poisonous effect during an illness such as
creates a heavy impediment to the efficiency as well as their health.
Through a Correct Detoxifying Diet their work is not only facilitated
but it can help in cleansing and regenerate them as well.
The Four Ways i have used in conjunction, throughout the Entire period
of both ON and OFF Antibiotics, are:
1) Detoxifying Diet
2) Detoxifying Supplements
3) Kidney Cleansing / Flashing
4) Colon Cleansing Enemas
Detoxifying Diet:
Generally speaking my diet is highly Detoxifying and i have already
about it in a couple of previous posts such as:
but there have been a few hard winters when natural disasters such floods
frost, locust and other specific diseases have caused serious food shortages
with skyrocketing prices, even in a rich country such Australia.
Some Aussies will remember the Larry hurricane devastating the Banana
and where i used to buy from our vendor a 20 kg box for $15- $20
it came down to the vendor having none of their own and paying
$100- $150 per Box and buying Bananas from $1.20 a kilo up at $16 per
During times like that, generally during winter, when only apples and oranges
are in good supply, i had to
adapt and incorporate some steamed foods
like sweet potato with some rich in nutrients greens,
such as :
Broccoli, Okra, Mushrooms, Spinach, Beet Greens, Green Beans, Pease
and Brussel Sprouts, and the occasional artichoke etc,
and adding as many that could be eaten Raw, such as:
Zucchini, Capsicum, Cucumber, Beetroot, Carrot, Celery, Tomato, Sprouts
with a moderate addition of raw Garlic, grated Ginger, Parsley and
but made sure to have at least
three 100% raw meal 3 times per week
until supplies and prices went back to normal.

Aiding the Diet was a long list of detoxifying supplements
for a long time until the kidney problems started to arise
leading to a possible abrupt halt and had to drop them one by one
right down to a poor and mere basic – but that until i stopped the
and regained some better kidney function and i have been back to adding
them again gradually.
Here is the list below:
D’Aro, Dandelion Root, Licorice Root, Fennel, Milk Thistle, Slippery Elm,
Horseradish, Rutin &Bioflavonoids, Kelp, Ginseng, Echinacea,
Gingko Biloba, Olive Leaf, ALfalafa, Colloidal Silver and Acidophilus.
My thoughts behind this fortification was that neither Diet alone nor
could be as effective as implementing both because each has its Pros
and Cons.
For example:
Raw Food Cons:
By the time they arrive at the markets they are not always fresh
and of the highest quality, not to mention being loaded with
pesticides and so on and additionally there is so much one can eat
at a time and that much, even carefully selected, may not provide the
( I must clarify here that i am not one necessarily in favour of Mega
Dosages )
Cooked Food Cons:
Adding to the possible poor Freshness and Quality, many of the Vitamins
contained, as well as definitely All their ENZYMES, are destroyed by
and the natural water contained is drained in the process
rendering them to the category of dead hay...
Some of the amino acids and minerals remain but my gut feeling tells me
unfailingly, that they are ‘altered’ by the heat... and this, more i
trust than ignore...
( I do ignore ...or try to when i eat lightly steamed Okra... because i
go crazy
with that rich ‘wild green
taste’ ...and unfortunately it cannot be eaten raw...)
Supplement Cons:
Even though they are harvested from natural foods and herbs etc
* The freshness and quality of the sources may be questionable
* They undergo heavy processing to be extracted, standardised
-whatever that means... Lol!
* Usually one or two elements are extracted from that particular source
* Then they are mixed with other ingredients such as Binders, Fillers,
Colours and Preservatives
pressed into capsules or tablets,
so they also are not fresh by
any means and loaded with synthetics?
(meaning all of the above. I
usually go for capsules whenever possible)
On the Other hand, both have some Pros:
Food Pros:
Despite possible lack of absolute freshness or high quality
they are in their Natural State and that is the one the Body is better
to process and deal with –provided they contain some of their enzymes
or the body is able to produce enough of its own– etc.
One piece of fruit or vegetable contains a multiple number of natural
as well as natural water content, that would take many tablets to
include them all.
Supplement Pros:
Where there is need for Concentrated dosage, for therapeutic or
targeted purpose
of one particular element, a Capsule or Tablet can provide it best and
/or aid
the already contained in the food.
I wanted to make sure i get as much Benefit as can be derived
and thus i combined Both for best results and this i believe i have
Kidney Cleansing /
Here is where light, clear, (sugar / artificial additives free) Liquids
and especially Water - preferably Natural Spring Water - is of great
for Flashing the Kidneys.
Hot or Normal temperature, i don’t
think it makes any difference

It is any harmful additives that can make the difference
when the main point to remember is that the liquid is not meant
particularly for pleasure, nor taste, not even nutrition requiring
that would add to the kidneys work burden
but rather to help flash and
cleanse them.
Paradoxically, a good Diuretic
Broth, even though it requires some digestion
and work by the Kidneys, is helpful to relieve and get rid of some
fluid retention.
For that purpose i have created a great Diuretic Broth
which is not only very nutritious but very tasty and enjoyable as well!
Diuretic Broth
* 1 Cup Water
* 1 Celery Stick
with Leaves, chopped
* 1 Beetroot head -
with greens if available- diced small
* 1 Zucchini diced
* 4 - 5 Mushrooms
thickly sliced
* Occasionally 1- 2 small Sweet Potato pieces - pre-steamed
(Absolutely nothing else such as pepper, salt
and whatever would inhibit
the purpose and expected result)
I Shimmer in very Low temperature until just tender and juices are
into the water – no more than 15-20 mins max. as the idea is to
nutrients as much as possible.
I serve and eat the solids with some avocado and then Drink the Broth.
Within a couple of hours there is a series of frequent release of

I use it as Part of the Cleansing Process in Conjunction with clear
-such as herbal tea- but not as
a sole method.
Vitamin C is also a very Strong and very efficient Diuretic.
Another very Effective - Guarantied Method- of producing a great
Diuretic Effect, is the use of a
TENSE Massager,
applying the pads on the back, in the corresponding Kidney area,
for a couple of 15 minute sessions... but i usually indulge on more
as it is very relaxing as well and my kidneys absolutely Love it!

Below corresponding Kidney area where i place the pads

Easy and thoroughly relaxing during the evening while watching TV
...except for the resulting frequent needed breaks... to...

And finally the most Commonly known Diuretic method, that being of
Emersion of the Body in Water
whether it is swimming in the Sea, or Lake, or a Pool or simply having
a long
Shower or Bath... is well known to activate Kidney and water elimination.

The Colder and Longer the Emersion –like in the Sea–
the better the result.
This method unfortunatelly is not available to me
* *
(For additional details on the
TENS massager
Click on : * Expectorating
/Clearing the Lung *)
Next Entry: Atypical TB: and Intestinal Detoxification
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for *Atypical TB–My Story*
Revised, Improved, Updated Entries
*Atypical TB–MAC*
* *
Photo/Gif sources:
Kidney - Lung Torso: Science Photo
Kidney mid Torso:
The kidneystones
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