Minimising Bleeding

Late in the process when it was clear that the antibiotics were not
my Specialists presented me with some available options if i elected.
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* Lung Transplant was Never discussed as an
possibly due to reasons such
as availability, eligibility etc
but this was not an option i
would have ever opted for
especially after having
researched all related issues.
* Surgical Removal of the
main area of heavy MAC concentration
This option was advised by one
of the Specialists
told that “This part -of lung- is not really doing you
any good”
I am, generally speaking,
highly adverse to any invasive procedures
and would have no doubt
rejected this option in the end
but was highly relieved when
the opinion of the senior Specialist
confirmed my decision would
have been correct, because
the Lung damage, bronchiectasis
and MAC was widespread, thus
not offering any guaranties
that an operation would have made much
difference – and i was concern
that undergoing such huge trauma
whether there would be any
chance of successful recovery after
or it would be downhill much
faster than otherwise.
* Amicacin Treatment a
more recent at the time option and in early stages
of application was one i was
nearly booked for due to the ‘hands on’
very enthusiastic and
energetic specialist i was referred to
alternative options
that ...until again i had to
weigh the pros and cons of success
versus long term side effects
and percentage of success, etc.
The fact that the treatment
required hospitalisation and close monitoring
due to possible serious –to my
opinion- side effects and with already
very poorly functioning
kidneys, as described in earlier entries,
decidedly put me off this
option too and declined...
* Cauterisation of Vessels? or
(gel?? capping?) ???
Unfortunately both my husband’s
and my memory is failing us
regarding the name and details
of this procedure offered
and several attempts to find
anything related on Google
have not produced any helpful
Basically, it was something
like either capping or cauterising? vessels?
to stop the frequent bleeds.
This too i declined because i
was not sure that doing so
would end the problem or it
would be redirected somewhere else,
with possibly worse consequences.
My approach is always
diametrically opposite to the medical.
I want to find and treat the Cause, not just stop or
mute the symptom
i.e. ‘shoot the messenger’, i
want to shoot the true offender.
Usually, i feel confident about my decisions, at least as the right
ones for me
and so is the case with the first three above. About the fourth one i
am divided
and not absolutely certain if it was the right one but not knowing the
to the question i still prefer it rather than having found after.
This of course has left me constantly on the watch out
about frequent Bleeds and how to Cope and Minimise
both Frequency of Occurrence as well as Volume.
Ordinarily i do not bleed, for extended periods of time,
unless something upsets the very fragile,
walk on tightrope like, delicate balance.
There have been a couple of sudden, frightening experiences
of dangerous volumes but even less than that it can be
rather shocking and scary especially when it happens suddenly
without any warning and in the middle of the night
Over time i have observed and noted different causes of bleeding
and have implemented ways and discoveries of controlling and minimising
frequency and severity.
Some Identified
* Cold / Flu Contact with affected /carrying persons
* Hot or Cold Abrupt exposure of whole body or part, internally or
for example:
– Too Hot - water in the bath tab
– Hair drier - on High heat
setting (only done in an attempt to kill Malassezia
– Low Temperature - walking
in Sea water when temperature below 22C
– Cold - Swimming below 33C
– Eating or
Drinking anything cold – either room temperature or below
– Exposure to Air –
Conditioning especially Cold
* Blood thinner capsules
such as Fish Oil etc
* Dehydration – not enough
liquid intake especially after highly salty
or sugary food / drinks.
* Heart palpitations
* Upset or Frightened
especially if it happens suddenly
Identified Ways to
Minimise Bleeding
– Vitamin C powder ( ½ teaspoon every 3-4 hours for 1-2 days then
– Bloodroot and /or Withania
– Acidophilus capsules 4-6
– A tablespoon of freshly squeezed –undiluted, nothing added– Lemon
– Drinking Hot water (not too hot just comfortable)
– Avoiding anything Cold or with potential to cause irritating Cough
– Inflating the Lung helps bleeding heal faster
* Vitamin C Always works!
even on its own
Depending on the volume of
blood it can take effect within an hour
or a day if more severe. For extreme cases it
minimises immediately
but takes some days to stop
* Bloodroot effect i
discovered while taking trying to kill M Yeast
(link to: Expectorating Lung)
* Acidophilus capsules same
as above, taking while trying to kill M Yeast
also has proved to clear
bladder and chest infection
* Lemon juice has strong
haemostatic quality
Drinking it daily or in large
quantities as preventative, lessens the effect
as the body tries to
counteract and restore balance.
* Drinking Hot water but not
as effective measure if on its own.
* I Avoid Lemon or raw Garlic if i
cough up thick Clots
* I Avoid Sugary foods even
cut down on the fruits
–only temporarily for just a
day- and go solids like sweet potato, broccoli, etc.
if the blood is thin, pure red
and runny
* I have noticed when raw bleeding occurs not containing any mucous
i have to be very careful to keep the lung
relaxed and not do
anything that can cause
irritating cough which can perpetuate
bleeding and inhibit quick
On the contrary when it
contains mucous if there is need to cough
and empty the lung, then i do
so, as this facilitates faster healing
–not sure what the mechanics are
here but in any case
i am never brutal with any
action i take
i always treat my lungs the way one handles a
* For an entire decade, my sole and most effective way of Inflating
my Lung, was swimming. I never missed a swim due to bleeding.
On the contrary, bleeding made
it a good reason to swim
because swimming and inflating
the lung, always helped heal faster.
Even when initially faced with
the paradox of the water temperature
causing spontaneous bursts of
bleeding, while it was only a minimal
amount, i would spit it out in
a vitamin container and continue on.
Just doing so helped normalise quickly the
Later on when the reaction to
the temperature became more severe
and the volume of a burst would be a full
mouthful and continuing
and had to quickly scramble out of the water
in order not to
contaminate the pool, i knew it was time to
stop, both to ensure
public safety and save myself from embarrassment
as well as not
to cause more harm to my lungs
than the good they were getting.
Now i try to achieve the same effect
in a much lower scale with either
a walk or on the treadmill but is not as effective ...
Generally my experience has shown that:
Using the Lung in a way that Causes it to Inflate
Helps Minimise or Stop the Bleeding, Faster.
What Does - and What Does - Not, Cause Bleeding
– Everything cold consumed or
sudden exposure of other sensitive bod part
– Eating /drinking something cold is till followed by bleeding even if
hot immediately after - it does not equalise the effect
– Too Hot water or air on head (as in washing or using hair dryer high
Does Not:
– Drinking or eating Hot items
– Normal hot bath
– Breathing Cold winter air 5°- 6° C ( chest hurts
and coughs but does not bleed)

Some of the identified causes have a slower effect than others
with bleeding occurring unfailingly late in the night or early morning,
while asleep
or the next day - and some have a spontaneous, within minutes, burst.
An informative piece about Bleeding:
of haemoptysis has been arbitrarily
into mild, moderate, or severe depending
the amount of bleeding4. It is called mild if
than 30 ml of blood is expectorated per day
there is only streaking or flecks of blood in the
Haemoptysis is moderate if
bleeding is
30 to 200 ml/day and severe if bleeding
in excess of 200 ml/day. Massive
has been variably defined as blood
loss of
200-600 ml or more within 48 hours or as
much as to cause haemodynamic disturbance1,5
pure blood without sputum is
expectorated, it is called frank haemoptysis
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Lung photo:
Gif source dumpfm‑melipone‑Yoshi
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