(Aug 12)

A Relaxed Lung is essential for Better, more efficient Breathing,
less Coughing and Aggravation and allowing Mucous to Loosen up
among many other things.
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During the swimming times whenever i lied down all the contents of my chest
would come up and would have to run to the bathroom for clearance.
This, annoying as it may have been, it was a good thing because
it helped get rid of what should not be staying in there.
It has been some time now that i was forced to give up swimming
and this has started to cause an even more annoying problem:
Every night when i go to bed and lie down, even though the back is elevated
resembling a Recliner chair, i find that my chest starts to heave in a cough.
I have to hold my breath for a few seconds, then take a small breath in
and repeat several times until it all calms down.
Similarly in the morning when i get up almost immediately
i start coughing unless i had a good mucous clearing the evening before.
This has prompted me to find ways to help relax the lung,
both upon rising or retiring as well as throughout the day.
* Hot Water – drinking a cup slowly
just before retiring and immediately upon rising 
helps solve the problem, as the warmth dilates and relaxes the area.
I used to drink herbal tea but cannot stand a cat urine aftertaste and smell
caused by fermentation.
* Warm foods and liquids – I always eat or drink my meals warm
no matter what the general custom is or the taste preference.
For example a warm Banana does not taste as nice same as a cold one
but now i am used to it. This is now a choice but initially i was gradually
forced to it as i started to observe that after eating cold, eventually even
at room temperature, i would feel a cold through the chest sensation
and start to cough crazy.
So now I have a small portable stove and warm up everything to just above
room temperature that does not cause any problems to the lungs
and allows me to enjoy a meal quietly instead of coughing and chocking
all the way through.
* Breathing deep – as a few minute exercise.
First filing the upper part of the lung then progressively the lower
and reversing. I tis marvellous and sets a mood for meditation
but lately i have developed to a very nervous person
and do not have the patience to do it long enough
* Warm Bath – no need to say much... its bliss for the entire body
I usually have it in the evening to help relax for the night.
* Body Massager and Foot Massager
Marvellous, and i have used it for many years all over the body
for lungs, muscles, migraines, fluid retention, strains, circulation etc.
For the lungs and kidney areas i place the pads on the back
on the corresponding area but Not if Bleeding,
as the vibration can aggravate the situation.
(More details in a later entry)

* Wooden Roll Massager and Hand Massage
Some time back i had two wooden
roll massagers one by my arm chair
and one under my desk for a
quick wire free few minute sessions
and they worked well enough for their kind.

Nowadays i also give my feet a general
relaxing manual Hand massage
while in the bath tab and then
i concentrate in the Heart / Lung area

It all helps and there is
nothing like the magic of ones hands
that they can feel where tender
attention is needed.
* An Aromatic Bouquet of Flowers – like Lilies or Roses
It is amazing the effect of a natural and voluntary opening of a deep breath
of a ...seduced Lung can have, caused by the Deep fragrance of Flowers.
During the Summer months i enjoy a similar effect with ripening Mangoes!
We buy them by the Box and as they ripen, the entire lounge / kitchen area
smell like a Fruity / Flower Heaven

And my Lungs love it as much as the Bees!
Next Entry: Atypical TB: And Expectorating/Clearing the Lung
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